A A Chapman First Furlong Drove, Chatteris Food Hygiene Rating
Acre Fen, First Furlong Drove, Chatteris
About A A Chapman
Last updated: Saturday 18th January 2025A A Chapman is a Manufacturers/packers based in Fenland, East Counties.
The last food hygiene rating score was given to A A Chapman on Monday 30th November 2020 by the Fenland Local Authority.
At this time, the hygiene rating given was “5”. This rating was made up of a Hygiene Food Handling standard of “Good”, a Cleanliness & Condition of Facilities and Building standard of “Good” and a Management of Food Safety standard of “Good”.
Hygiene Inspection
Food Hygiene Rating of 5 (Five)
A food hygiene rating of 5 means the business was seen as "very good". Ratings of 5 are given to businesses with a score between 0-15. This means the business showed excellent standards of safety on their premises. All businesses should aim to achieve this score.
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